SeeBgdIns Blog

Stories about Belgrade and people who live or had lived in Belgrade
Here I will write few sentences about remarkable people who lived and worked in Belgrade. Theirs work left significant mark on Belgrade’s life in modern time, during last and this century. This text is only to inform you about this people, I will not talk much about their greatness, I am not able to do it. 
Duško Radović

Duško Radović, (1922-1984).

On Wikipedia you can red that he: „was a Serbian children's writer, poet, journalist, aphorist and TV editor“. When I was in primary school it started at 8 oclock AM. I was awaiking around 7 AM. On the famous radio station Studio B, which was a voice of Belgrade and where Duško worked as editor, he spoke every morning his new aphorisms.

In 7.15 AM. I waited every morning, before I go to prepare myself for school, to hear that aphorism, and many times it gave me motivation to go to school cheerful. I believe that it was the same with many others. The name of this broadcast was Good morning Belgrade. Duško was the face of Belgrade. His books are translated on many languages, you can find it and read.Studio B was in Beogradjanka, business building in center, on Terazije street. When you come to Belgrade and walk through Terazije street, think for a moment about Duško , a man who was engaged in bringing up many children’s and young people to man and woman who now live and work in Belgrade and have their own children. 

Đoko Vještica

Đoko Vještica (1939-2008)

He was editor and speaker on radio Studio B, founder of Belgrade marathon and many other manifestations. He was a voice of a common man. Common people used to say when facing some problem with public authorities “I will sue you to Djoko Vještica!”Once he called a director of some building company 23 days, every day, until he got him. Djoko Vještica and Duško Radović represent life in Belgrade during 70 and 80 which was, by the opinion of many people, best time to live in Belgrade.
 He was a voice of a common man. Common people used to say when facing some problem with public authorities “I will sue you to Djoko Vještica!”Once he called a director of some building company 23 days, every day, until he got him. Djoko Vještica and Duško Radović represent life in Belgrade during 70 and 80 which was, by the opinion of many people, best time to live in Belgrade.


Jovan Ćirilov (1931 - 2014)

Jovan Ćirilov was art director and selector of Bitef Festifal from its establishment in 1967. Jovan was a man whose name left a big mark on Belgrade’s modern culture. He made Bitef Festival a unique one, every modern theater who presented something new was honored to play on Bitef. He wroted plays Room for four and House of Silence, he had columns in daily news, Politika and Blic, he spoke German, English, French, Spanish, Italian….


Renato Grbić

SEE BELGRADE INSIDE, story about Mr. RENATO GRBIC.“Teenage girl jumped from Pancevacki bridge because of love…”“Again a suicide attempt, young man jumped from Pancevacki bridge…”
And so on, so on, you can find about Renato Grbic story in each daily and week news. He is fisherman on Danube river, but more of it, he is a rescuer of many people who decided in one moment that there is nothing to live for anymore. One of daily news stated, and this is data from year 2014., that he saved 26 lives! It is possible to write about Renato for days, but on my mind, there is always one picture, one scene. It is the moment in which Renato approach the unfortunate man or women in wild water, trying to reach for them, and pull them in to boat. A new born, for the ones who are lucky to be saved by Renato.Renato said in one interview that nobody came after been rescued to thank him. Interesting, maybe they were embarrassed, but maybe they thought that there is nothing to thank for…I hope you liked story about Renato. When you visit Belgrade next time, or first time, and you walk on beautiful corso on Danube’s bank, or you drive across Pancevacki bridge, think about Renato who is always ready to risk his life so he could save someone’s else.

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