

SEE BELGRADE INSIDE, story about MAJOR GAVRILOVIC speech. Major Gavrilovic was an officer in Serbian army in first world war. Why Major Gavrilovic speech? Because we are very emotional when we speak about first world war, we lost major part of male population during this war. And because it is very inspiring speech, grate example of human sacrifice for bigger cause. Not only and not because it is a military speech, on contrary. Story about Major Gavrilovic speech is important part of Belgrade’s history.

Major Gavrilovic was a commander of second battalion of tenth regiment in Serbian army. After the victory battles on the beginning of the war, Serbian army was forced on disengagement. He ordered this glorious command to his solders in year 1915. on October 7, Below Kalemegdan fortress, on the eve of battle with 59. Regiment of Austro-Hungarian Empire. I am not able to make quality translation and present glorious Major Gavrilovic speech in adequate words, but I will do it anyway, I want to to evoke your imagination and interest. So try to imagine this impossible position where you are fighting against much stronger and better equipped enemy and you know that you cannot win, feel Major Gavrilovic words: Solders, exactly in 15. hours enemy must be destroyed with your furious attack, with your bombs and bayonets. The face of Belgrade, our capitol, must be glorious! Solders, heroes, supreme command erased our regiment from the list, our regiment is sacrificed for the honor of our country and Belgrade. You do not have to worry for your lives any more, they do not exist. Forward, in to glory! For the king and the country! Long live the king, long live Belgrade! The battle took place in today well-known touristic part of the city, between Kalemegdan fortress and confluence of Sava and Danube, around Nebojša tower and in Karađorđeva street. Most of Major Gavrilovic soldiers were killed, he was badly wounded. Of course, Major Garvilovic speech is a metaphor, nobody was actually erased from the list, in Serbian army it is one of the greatest military speech.  Monument dedicated to Belgrade’s defenders is located on the Danube’s riverside before sports center Milan Gale Muskatirovic Autor is our Sculptor Kolja Milunovic, and it was made in 1988. On one side you can see Serbian soldiers and on the other glorious Major Gavrilovic words. On the intersection of Mike Alasa and Cara Urosa streets, where battle also took place, on the buildings wall you can see memorial also dedicated to Belgrade’s defenders. Again, Major Gavrilovic words are here. Belgrade is awarded with LEGION OF HONOUR in 1920. by French marshal Franchet d' Esperey.  Today city parts where this battle took place are beautiful, river banks, confluence of two rivers, very pleasant place, peaceful, place to enjoy in river. In early summer, on the part of walkway after sports center Milan Gale Muskatirovic there are long rose garden all away to end of the walk. Roses are colorful, and SMELL fantastic. It feels good to look at mighty Danube and smell those beautiful roses. Story about Belgrade’s defenders is still actual and alive, Swedish heavy metal band Sabaton have a song Last Dying Breath, it speaks about Serbian soldiers. In the last part of the song you can hear glorious speech. When you visit Belgrade next time, or first time, and you walk on new Sava’s corso, Danubes beautiful bank or Karađorđeva street, try to recall Major Gavrilovic words. .

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