
Topčiderski park

SEE BELGRADE INSIDE, story about Topciderski park or, as I like to call it, THE WEDDING PARK. This park is located in the south part of Belgrade, and it belongs to bigger zone which is called „Topčider“. Why I call this park the wedding park when it’s official name is Topciderski park? Because most of the weddings in in Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul have its end, or sometimes its beginning, in this park.

Since this church is across the Vojvode Putnika boulevard, after the wedding ceremony, wedding couples come here to make pictures for their albums. Mostly, professional photographer makes these pictures and often there are some family members or close friends, of course, first of all, Best man and Maid of honor, as Britain’s call brides closest friend. It is very nice to see young people coming here to make pictures with best man and Maid of honor, with professional photographer. Sometimes the weather is bad, it is cloudy, or even it is raining and you can see the bride, often with naked shoulders, trying to smile but her teeth are chattering since she is very cold! Anyway, as you can see in the picture, there is a small bridge where the most of the “wedding sessions” are happening. Beside the wedding part, this park is very nice, you can, as in any park, walk, run, ride a bike or, if you have partner, you can sit and kiss on the bench. Horses are present in the park, so ….. watch your step! Across the Topčiderska street there is a second part of this park, the main one, also very very beautiful, where important historical building “Milošev konak” – The Residance of Prince Miloš is situated. According to HISTORICAL MUSEUM OF SERBIA erection of this building started in year 1831. Interesting about this famous building is that it represents typical Ottoman architecture but in the same time you can see influence of European culture. Prince Miloš was one of the Serbian leaders who had crucial role in liberation from Ottoman empire in XIX century. I really would like to know what was going on in this building during hard time under Turkish Otoman rule… In front of Prince Miloš residence there is another touristic attraction, London plane tree. The legend has that it was planted around 1831. At Prince Miloš command. Since it is huge tree It’s arms are supported with mount and it makes beatifull shade during hot summer days. There are two important monuments in this park, one is dedicated to Mr. Archibald Rise, and another one is called “Žetelica” – cropper (woman). Mr. Archibald Reiss was a great friend of Serbs. In World war I according to Wikipedia “He was commissioned by the Serbian government to investigate atrocities committed by the invading Central Powers against Serbs” He stayed with Serbian army during the war, he retreated with them to Albania and Greece, and after glorious return, he also was with Serbian army when Belgrade was liberate. The second monument is dedicated to Roman goddess of agriculture and it is oldest preserved monument which represent decorative park sculpture in Belgrade in XIX century. It is a work of sculptor Fidelis Kimmel from Vienna and it was made in 1852. On September 2. and 3. Organic live festival is held in Topčiderski park in front of Milošev konak. It is a festival of healthy lifestyle. This year, 2017. there was a competition in preparation of „ajvar“. Uuups, sorry, you do not know what is ajvar? Well, it is a kind of salad, and it is prepared from paprika, sweet pepper, sometimes with chilli pepper, which is roasted, squeezed out, minced and cooked. It is our tradicional salad, and we eat it during winter. Two restaurants are situated in the park, one is big and “classic” it is named after, Prince Miloš Residance, Milošev konak http://restoranmilosevkonak.rs/. It is also a part of historical area and it was built in 1834. It is classic restaurant, with classic international food as well as Serbian specialties. During hot summer days, you can set in beautiful garden with shade made from a hundred years old trees. The other one is small grill “Daščara” which means wood barrack. Daščara is a typical represent of small cozy restaurants where people come to eat. I am not sure if waiter knows English but if you go to Daščara, presuming that you eat meat and drink alcohol, just say: “Kilo jagnjetine i litar litar”. Wait for the order to come, and…. If you like it do it again! I hope you liked story about the wedding park. When you visit Belgrade next time, or first time, visit this park, maybe you will be lucky and witness photo session with bride and groom, hopefully on a sunny day…..

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