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Topciderski Park - Wedding Park, Major Gavrilovic, Kosancicev venac
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Topčiderski park

SEE BELGRADE INSIDE, story about Topciderski park or, as I like to call it, THE WEDDING PARK
This park is located in the south part of Belgrade, and it belongs to bigger zone which is called „Topčider“. Why I call this park the wedding park when it’s official name is Topciderski park? Because most of the weddings in in Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul have its end, or sometimes its beginning, in this park. 


Kosančićev venac

SEE BELGRADE INSIDE, story about Kosančićev venac. Kosančićev venac is the name of the street but it is also the name of area around the street. Kosančić is surname of historical person and “Venac” means wreath, a circle.


Belgrade's Defenders

Major Gavrilovic was an officer in Serbian army in first world war. We are very emotional when we speak about first world war, we lost major part of male population during this war. Major Gavrilovic speech is very inspiring speech, grate example of human sacrifice for bigger cause.

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